Jilly is doing soooo well with her training. I wasn't sure how to transition her from following the treats into sitting/standing/downing. So I started focusing more on my hand position, so that she would associated my hand position with what she was supposed to do. I then started to hold my hand further from her when asking her to do something, and she actually did it, right where she was, instead of scooching closer to my hand, where the treat was. At the end of our second training session last night I tried asking her to do everything while I was standing, instead of kneeling in front of her, and she did them! I was surprised, because even though I didn't have my hand right in front of her anymore, I was still having my hand near the ground for down, near her face for sit, and eye level for stand. But when I stood up she would lay down, even though my hand was a couple feet above the ground, just flat though. I'm still clicking whenever she does what I asked too. We also started working on "touch" last night, teaching her to put her paw on an upside down jar candle. She caught on very quickly. I think she definitely knows what the clicker means, since if she's walking away from me and I click it, she stops, turns to me, and sits, waiting for her treat. I only did it twice, just to see how she responded to a click.
She's picked up a new habit though, she goes "fishing" in her water bowl. Sometimes she even *stands* in her water bowl and splashes around. We've replaced the towels lining her pen with a sheet of linoleum. So to make up for not being able to drag her towels into the bowl she put her bird in the bowl. It's *still* soaked. Today she got to run around outside, off leash, which she thought was fun, but she was more than willing to come in, due to the cold and the wind.
I'm a little concerned because she doesn't eat breakfast. Last night she gobbled up dinner for a change, but in the morning she has no interest in food whatsoever. She gets food during training though, and of course, treats when she goes potty outside. I would just feel better if she ate *something* for breakfast!
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