Saturday, April 18, 2009

Well, We're in Florida...

We've been in Florida for just over two weeks now. We have a house under contract, just did the inspection and appraisal on Thursday, fortunately both went very well. Now we're just waiting to close on May 5th so that we can move in!

Meanwhile, we've been *very* busy. We went to a doggie Easter egg hunt with Jilly, who cleaned up. I swear, we're not going to be able to take her out in public to things like these if she keeps winning everything!

We went to the zoo and ended up becoming members because it was so neat. We've been checking out nurserys for plants/pots once we have our house, looking at all of the stores in the area that we didn't have in Ohio to get a feel for what's out there, and picked out new furniture. Craig and I have been running a lot (with Jilly) to get us in shape and help compensate for not having a yard right now for Jilly. If she goes two days without a run she starts to get hyper in the house.

We're staying in a 3 bedroom temporary lodging facility for now, unfortunately we have to move out of it on April 25th, so will be boarding the animals for two nights while we live in a regular room one night and then move into a smaller facility for the remainder of the time until we have the house.

We're trying to decide between private training lessons for Jilly or joining a club. We got her some little agility props and she *loves* them. It'd just be better if I knew what the heck I was doing, so I'm hesitant to try too much on our own so that I don't teach her the wrong thing.

Craig's in England right now, so I'm on my own for a few days. I found a horse that needs riding, and I'm in need of a horse, so I'll be spending time at the barn taking care of her and getting familiar with her. I do have pictures to post, which I'll do eventually, of the house and doggie Easter egg hunting.