Saturday, December 13, 2008

Meet Kitty...

Kitty is the cat we got in Korea. She belonged to one of the Staff Sergeants that was working for me. His wife became pregnant and they decided to find Kitty a new home. So Craig and I decided that we would bring her back to the States with us, so we took her back to the base and she became the Housing Office mascot. She lived there from December through May. It was her personal playground.

In the beginning I kept her in the key closet and would sit with her for hours. Then she was allowed out during the day and put in the closet at night. Finally, she was allowed out all the time. She personally greeted nearly everyone that came into the office, when she wasn't sleeping on my lap, desk, or the window behind my chair. She would have a few visitors every day, she really brightened lives in Korea, just by being her friendly, furry self.

I have a few pictures of her, so I'm just going to post the first batch. You may be wondering about the name. Her name in Korea was Yongi. But I wanted to call her Talia, except felt weird about renaming the cat when her old owners were seeing her every day. So we started calling her Kitty around the office, thinking we'd change it when we got back to the States. Except by then she was pretty settled with the name. Oh, and you know what Yongi means in English? Kitty.

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