We've been working on sit, down, and stand more. We spent a whole training session on Saturday working on doing it off of just hand signals and just voice. Jilly is excellent at doing them based on hand signals but not so good at doing it based on voice. We also worked a bit on crawling. Sunday we worked more on the regular stuff, and added rolling over into the mix. It is *really* hard to get her to roll over! I watched a video on youtube showing how to do it, but she doesn't want to follow it over with her nose like the video, so far I've gotten her to roll over a few times, both yesterday and today. Then we work on sit and down a lot because getting her to down without a treat confuses her a lot. I can't give her a treat after down because then she sits after she gets the treat, so I just have to get her to down again anyway.
But, no more working on rolling over for a while, because we're going to Puppy Class!!!! Starting Wednesday, I'm soooo nervous, what if we do badly? What if we're behind with Jilly? What if she goes insane and won't focus? She needs her harness and leash and treats and toys. Apparently the puppies get to play during class. We'll see how Jilly is sharing her toys. She never growls anymore when we take one from her, and she doesn't bark like she used to whenever the cats played with them, but she'd never had to share a toy with another dog.
And final good Jilly news, she has taken to standing by the door when she needs to go out. It's only if she's been playing on the floor, sometimes she'll go to the door and we take her straight out, but she potties every time. We also still take her out as soon as she begins to leave the couch and if she doesn't potty she goes in her crate and is taken out every 30 minutes until she does go. It seems to be working. And she's loving her free time in the back yard whenever she does go potty.
And the last of the preChristmas pictures, or at least the December 22nd and earlier pictures.

These next two are Elphie and Kitty watching Jilly play with the spinny thing.

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